Latest News & Announcements

Covid vaccine access

The University Health Services has now been registered as a COVID-19 Vaccination Centre by the Ministry of Health and the Nairobi County Government, through the Nairobi Metropolitan Services.  It should be noted that the University Vaccination Centre will be required to observe Government prioritization guidelines and to comply with COVID-19 health protocols. Staff members and students are encouraged to take the opportunity and get vaccinated

Congratulations Mr. Bonface Chege for achieving a Master of Science in Medical Physiology

Boniface mwangi Chege, successfully graduated with a Master of Science in Medical Physiology from the University of Nairobi in the Department of Medical Physiology.

His thesis title was on the” Evaluation of the antidiabetogenic effects of the freeze dried extract of Rotheca myricoides on type 2 diabetes in an animal model”.